
PT-76 Nimda’s program for westernized and modernized BTR-2000 amphibious armoured personnel carrier and PT-76 amphibious light tank provides new weapon station, new powerpack, night vision and automatic fire extinguishing system. The upgrade program includes also: New Diesel Engine New Added Machine Gun Stations Mobility Improvement Reliability Improvement New 90mm Gun New F.C.S PT – 76- […]

M-109 Self Propelled Gun – Howitzer (SPG) New Powerapck Nimda is offering a few alternatives to upgrade the automotive systems of the M-109 self propelled gun to a higher capability: New & Powerful Powerpack, combination of: Upgraded XTG 411 Transmission 8V71T Engine rated at 440HP […]

AMX-13 Light Tank Nimda Present the AMX-13 upgrading program that includes: New Compatible Diesel Engine New Nimda made Automatic Transmission 90 mm Gun New FCS Amx-13 Brochure

BMP 2 Nimda presenting a re-powering program for the BMP 1-2 with a new Power unit including Automatic transmission, improve mobility and reliability. BMP 2 – Autumotive upgrading Presentation BMP-2 BROCHUR A3

BTR-50 Nimda’s program for westernized and modernized BTR-2000 amphibious armoured personnel carrier and PT-76 amphibious light tank provides new weapon station, new powerpack, night vision and automatic fire extinguishing system. The upgrade program includes also: New Diesel Engine New Added Machine Gun Stations Mobility Improvement Reliability Improvement New 90mm Gun New F.C.S BTR-50 – pdf

Nimda’s T-55 modernized program includes: New improved Powerpack Upgrade gun Upgrade Day and Night Fire Control System Upgrade Add-On Reactive Armour Complete upgrade for all western systems

Nimda’s program of re-powering the M41 includes: Engine: New and improved. The engine was replaced with a diesel engine instead of the gasoline one. New cooling system: water based replacing the air cooling. A new power unit and a new Overhaul for the Allison CD00. The improved M41 was tested under extreme environment conditions and […]

Nimda offers a full modernization suite for M-60 and M-48 Main Battle Tanks, including improved firepower, protection/survivability and mobility. Nimda offers 2 powerpack versions for M-60/M-48, based on the 1200 HP and 908 HP Teledyne Continental engines and the X1100-5 Allison automatic transmission. The 1200 HP powerpack was developed by Nimda in cooperation with […]
M-113 N2000

Nimda has upgraded the existing M-113 A1 or A2 APCs and many of its systems, and is proud to present the M-113 N-2000 as of January 2018. The new M-113 N-2000 has a modern Powerpack, which integrates Detroit Diesel 6V53T 300HP Engine and Allison 3000 series automatic transmission. The Allison transmission is fully automatic, electronic […]
Achzarit HAPC

Achzarit – Heavy Armored Personnel Carrier (HAPC) The low-silhouette 44 metric ton Heavy Armored Personnel Carrier “Achzarit” was built on the basis of the T-55 tank hull. The T55 hull was modified, upgraded and re-engineered in order to contain a powerful Nimda power pack 710HP DDC 8V92TA with Allison automatic transmission XTG 411-5A, and includes […]